
Parish Ministries

The various ministries of St. Dominic's parish provide you with a wide variety of ways of connecting with the community. Through these ministries you can learn and grow as an individual, meet others who share your values, and reach out to serve the larger parish and city. We hope there's something for everyone here. If not, join us in creating future ministries.
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Peer Community Groups

Young Adults Group

Join us for fellowship with other young adults in their 20's and 30's. The heart of the group is our weekly Wednesday night meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall, with the last Wednesday of the month being a celebration of Mass in the Lady Chapel. We also offer a wide variety of other programs, including retreats, social events and regular community service opportunities throughout the year. The group's largest event of the year, "Coffee House," is scheduled in the summer and is always a rousing success. Every first Sunday of the month, members of the group volunteer at Laguna Honda Hospital. This provides the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Christ, as we help the patients down to their Sunday mass. Contact Lance Johnson: 415-839-6572,, or email

Mothers' Group

St Dominic's Mothers' Group is an organization geared towards supporting mothers with young children through fellowship, as well as educational and spiritual opportunities. The group meets on the last Wednesday of each month in the Flower Room (located in the church behind the altar) from 7:00 - 8:30 pm. Each month a different topic is discussed and speakers often present to the group. We also organize volunteer opportunities and family events throughout the year. If you are expecting or are a mother please join us. For more information please contact Diana at 775-0528 or

Second Spring

This club addresses the spiritual and social needs of adults 55 years and older at St. Dominic's. In this ministry, we increase our awareness and love of God, establish new friends and have a good time. We learn information pertinent to our age group, enjoying socializing with old and new friends. We have a monthly potluck luncheon meeting with a speaker or a planned holiday party, from October through June. Regular meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month at 11:00 a.m. in the parish hall. Events are published in the bulletin. Contact Susie Giles: 922-0796 or

Cinema at 7

Every Sunday night at 7 PM in the Siena room, we gather to watch cinematic masterpieces from our own culture as well as those far beyond. We view challenging, sublime, and often difficult works from major texts of the literature of cinema. The films allow for discussion of philosophical and spiritual questions that are raised in this visual, dramatic, and musical medium. The human condition and spiritual unrest is encountered in Technicolor, black and white, English and other languages, comedies, musicals, and intense drama. Come meet the masters of cinema, from Bunuel and DeSica to Kurosawa and Bergman, Ford, Hitchcock, Lean, Kieslowski, Fassbinder, Wenders, and Mike Leigh. Bring snacks to share.

Formation Ministries

Our Journey of Faith
More information available soon.

Adult Faith Formation

A program designed to help adult Catholics to grow in their faith. Events and series are offered to help people develop core skills in the faith (Seeker), to integrate the faith into their life (Disciple), and to share the faith in the world (Apostle). Classes and events will be scheduled periodically, so look for more information in the bulletin. For information please contact Scott Moyer: 674-0422, or e-mail at

Called & Gifted Workshop

Called & Gifted Workshops help Catholics understand how they are uniquely invited by God to bring His love to the world. Participants learn practical ways to discover their gifts, and how those gifts can guide their life. Offered in the spring and fall. Workshops begin on Friday nights and continue during the day on Saturday. Meetings are held in the Parish Hall. For information please contact Scott Moyer: 674-0422 or


The Landings program offers a welcoming, safe place for inactive Catholics ("returnees") to explore returning to the practice of their faith, in the company of practicing Catholics ("welcomers"), some of whom also have been away and returned. Landings provides a unique opportunity to share your own story, hear other's spiritual journeys, and talk about issues of faith in an open, respectful, nonjudgmental manner. With 10 participants (both inactive and active Catholics) in each 10-week session, it models a small parish faith community that is inclusive, supportive, and recognizes honestly the issues Catholics face. Click here for more information.

RCIA: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

For all those interested in becoming Catholic and for adult Catholics who have never been confirmed. Regular sessions are held every Tuesday (September through Easter), 7:00 p.m. in the parish hall until reception of sacraments at the Easter Vigil or Pentecost Masses. Sign-ups begin in the Fall. Rite of Initiation occurs during Advent, and a special retreat will take place shortly thereafter. Contact Scott Moyer: 674-0422 or

Prayer Ministries

Prayer Group

Singing, scripture, sharing and testimonials. Regular meetings are on Mondays at 7:30 p.m. The group also plans a Seder meal for the Lenten Season. Contact Eugene and Lu Chu: 673-1783.
Christian Meditation

Daily Christian Meditation will help ground you in Christ so you can be at peace with the challenges and revel in the joys of life. Our weekly meeting starts promptly with a recording of Fr. John Main, O.S.B., followed by 20 to 30 minutes of silent meditation. Visit for more information. No charge to attend. Donations accepted. Contact Donald Main at

Service and Justice Ministries

Service and Justice Ministries

Community Service

This organization helps people in need with financial assistance, referrals for jobs, and help from other agencies. We listen to people's concerns and provide food, clothing, and vouchers when needed. We offer a special outreach program during the holidays. By living the Gospel, we develop a better understanding of the frustrations of those in need. For information, please contact Sr. Anne Bertain: 674-0432, or

Consolation Ministry

Respond with grace to those in mourning - journey with those suffering loss in their lives and to respond with the compassion of our Parish Christian community. We meet 4-6 times a year to plan our four major activities: 1) Offer support groups 2-3 times yearly; 2) Plan two commemorative Masses, inviting those who have lost a loved one; 3) Send sympathy cards to the families of the deceased; 4) Plan programs and invite speakers to address topics on loss and grief. For information, please contact Sr. Anne Bertain (674-0432 or or Deacon Chuck McNeil ( or leave a message for Deacon Chuck at the parish office: 567-7824).

Detention Ministry

Description: These ministers offer a prayer service in the jails as an opportunity to help inmates grow in their relationship with God. Volunteers may also help with typing or plan a newsletter with the inmates. To qualify you must be interviewed, and then go through training through the Archdiocese. Once trained, you join a team that visits the jails once a month. You provide spiritual opportunities for inmates and support fellow ministers. Contact Deacon Chuck McNeil ( or leave a message for Deacon Chuck at the parish office: 567-7824).

Homeless Ministries

Provides food for the homeless. Snacks are provided Tuesday through Sunday. Once a month food is provided for the Hamilton Family Shelter and weekly sandwiches are provided for St Boniface Shelter. For information, please contact Sr. Anne Bertain: 674-0432, or

HIV/AIDS Support Group

Description: These ministers volunteer to help and console those with HIV/AIDS and support the cause for a cure. They reach out to families and loved ones, participate in the San Francisco AIDS Walk, support the AIDS Grove in Golden Gate Park, honor World AIDS Day, and display the AIDS Quilt. This ministry requires people who have compassion and empathy for those suffering from HIV/AIDS, for their families and friends, and for all those who want to find a cure for this pandemic. For information, please contact Donald Alvarez at 552-1378 or Laura McClung at 362-1075.

Hamilton Family Shelter Cooking

The Hamilton Family Shelter is a 70-bed center for homeless families, single pregnant women, expectant couples, and same-sex couples with children, all of whom are experiencing eviction and homelessness. Description: The Center's funding does not cover meals on weekends. These ministers help prepare a meal to be served to families on Saturday evenings. The meals are either prepared on Friday evenings or Saturday afternoons. Volunteers deliver the meals, heat and serve the food, visit with homeless families, shop for food, and clean up after the meal is served. The ministry is an opportunity to reach out to people in need. For information, please contact Anne McNertney, 377-9287.

Lima Center Volunteer

In living the Gospel, Jesus reached out to those in need. People's appearance does not tell the whole story-you learn the goodness of people as you interact with them. The Lima Center provides breakfast 4 days/week, lunch on Tuesdays, and offers showers or laundry. Visitors can watch movies, T.V., use computers, read, or sleep. The homeless community respond to the people who reach out to them. We need volunteers to sort clothes, clean bathrooms, serve food, visit with the guests, cook lunch. We also need people to donate food, books, and clothing. For information, please contact Sr. Anne Bertain: 674-0432, or

Mission of Love

In one weekend, these ministers build a home for a needy family who are living in poverty. This event enriches both those served and even more so the ones serving. It provides the opportunity to experience the richness of another culture and the needs of the poor. For information, please contact Fr. Francis Goode, O.P. at 567-7824.

Sandwich Program

We make sandwiches and deliver them to the shelter every Thursday. We help to provide for those less fortunate than ourselves and we know that they will not be hungry every Thursday evening. For information, please contact Suzy Geile at 922-0796 or

Liturgical Ministries

Altar Servers and Mass Coordinators (View Schedule)

An altar server assists the priest or deacon at Mass by preparing the altar and acting as server during Mass. Mass Coordinators are experienced altar servers who take on the responsibility for setting up the furniture and vessels before Mass. We provide initial and ongoing training to our ministers. Contact Simon Berry: 674-0430 or

Eucharistic Ministers for Masses (View Schedule)

The ministry of Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EMHC) is a fulfilling one for parishioners who wish to serve their community. It makes few demands on your time beyond a planned attendance at Mass. There is a brief training session (90 minutes) and occasional refresher sessions. Contact Simon Berry: 674-0430 or

Eucharistic Ministers for Hospitals and Home-bound

Description: Our ministers take the Eucharist to sick people in the hospital, to the elderly, or disabled in their homes or in convalescent homes. We ask people to be available during the weekday or on weekends. Ministers must be a practicing Catholic and be comfortable around sick or elderly people. This rewarding ministry helps people pray together and they reach out as Jesus did. Contact Sr. Anne Bertain, O.P., 674-0432, or Jered Stifter, 931-3560,

Lectors (View Schedule)

Training sessions for those interested in being commissioned as lectors are held twice annually. Lectors are scheduled for Masses as needed and have occasional days of reflection. If you would like to be notified of the next training session, please contact the parish office.


At Saturday Vigil, Sunday and Holy Day Masses ushers are needed to greet parishioners, take up the collection, coordinate the congregation during Communion and clean up after Mass. This ministry is a wonderful way to participate and to get to know the parishioners at the Mass that you attend. For more information contact Diana Wild, 346-1804,

5:30 PM Saturday Vigil Mass

Our team of cantors leads the acclamations, hymns and songs. You will often hear pieces of music from the Catholic repertoire of classical vocal solos to enhance your prayer. Contact Simon Berry for more information: 674-0430 or

The Family Choir (9:30 A.M. mass)

A small and dedicated choir under the direction of Simon Berry lead the music of our Family Mass. Catherine Rondinaro is the cantor for this Mass and offers vocal coaching to choir members. The repertoire includes traditional hymns as well as contemporary music. New members are currently being auditioned for this choir. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays, 6:30 – 7:45 PM. Contact Simon Berry for more information: 674-0430 or

The Traditional Choir (11:30 A.M. mass)

The St. Dominic Choir sings at the 11:30 a.m. Solemn Mass each Sunday, on major Feast Days, and for other special liturgies. The choir also presents concerts and is available to sing at weddings. The choir performs the full spectrum of liturgical music, including Gregorian Chant, polyphonic Mass settings, and motets and anthems. New members are welcome, and are invited to contact Simon Berry at 674-0430 or

The Contemporary Choir (5:30 P.M. mass)

Our Contemporary Choir and Ensemble leads a large congregation including many members of our Young Adult Group. Under the direction of Mark Lizama this group of musicians specializes in the performance of recently composed music for choir and instruments. Here you will find a combination of guitar, drum, acoustic bass, piano and solo saxophone alongside a group of fine singers. Contact Mark Lizama for more information: 674-0433 or

El Coro en EspaƱol (1:30 P.M. mass)

Our Spanish choir and ensemble leads music in Spanish at the Sunday St. Jude Mass. Contact the Parish Office for more information: 567-7824

Hospitality Ministries

Coffee Minute after 9:30 a.m. Sunday Mass

Description: The Coffee Minute is an ideal way to a) participate in the hospitality ministry of the parish with b) limited time commitment and c) maximum flexibility. You have an opportunity to share what you know and love about St. Dominic's while offering refreshments and hospitality to parishioners and visitors alike. It's a wonderful way to meet new people. For more information contact Kathleen Courtney at 776-2014 or

Coffee Break after 5:30 p.m. Sunday Mass

This ministry fosters community, welcomes individuals, and provides a space for the Holy Spirit to work among people at St. Dominic's through fellowship, refreshment, and information. It's an excellent way for newcomers to meet members of the church. Many attendees of this Mass come from far away, and they appreciate the welcome they receive from our ministers. We need more people with an open spirit to greet and encourage our parishioners and guests. For more information contact Anne McNertney at 377-9287 or

Hospitality Committee for Special Events

This committee will arrange receptions for parish lectures, concerts, and special Masses. Duties will include set up, decorating, cooking and serving food, and clean up. We are looking for a chairperson to head the committee. Leadership will rotate among the group based on the event. We're looking for a sufficient number of people so we can take turns on events. For more information contact Karen Mitchell at 567-7824 or

Medieval Meal

Every August, the parish is treated to our special Medieval Meal made from authentic Medieval recipes. The hall is decorated, servers dress in period costumes, and guests eat with knife and spoon. We need people to help decorate our hall, cooks to prepare the meal with our pastor, and servers to dress up and serve the food to create an atmosphere of Medieval fun. Singers are appreciated. For more information contact Judie Doherty at

Seder Meal

Description: We attempt to honor our Jewish roots with a Passover meal, which also illustrates how the Last Supper was celebrated and which formed the basis of our Eucharist. The menu makes use of Passover recipes for an evening that is a prayerful, informative, and festive celebration. We need help to cook, serve, set up, clean up, decorate, and plan. Singers would be appreciated. For more information contact Al Sheena at 921-7818

Newcomer's Meetings

To join St. Dominic's Church, please attend one of the bi-monthly new parishioner welcoming sessions. Dates and times of these sessions (always after the weekend Masses) are listed on the monthly calendar, found at the entrances of the church. Registered members of the parish have a right to the sacramental ministry of the parish and also an obligation to participate and support the parish.
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Parish Administration & Grounds

Buildings & Grounds Committee

Members of this committee model a unique aspect of stewardship in preserving our heritage. Our beautiful church and the vibrant ministries and programs that it houses now, as well as those to come, constitute a spiritual patrimony to be preserved. Thus do we build up the Kingdom of God. Among other things, these ministers advise the parish staff in prioritizing and addressing maintenance issues, periodically walk the property to make note of upcoming projects, and gather volunteers to help complete projects. For more information contact Christopher Lagos at

Finance Council

Description: The Finance Council enhances the parish's finances though prudent budgeting of parish resources. Its success enables the parish to serve our community worthily and to plan for the future, as we respond to the constant challenges presented by a constant growth in membership. The Finance Council helps the Pastor and staff to realize the new programs and ministries that meet our growing needs while burnishing those programs in place. Members tend to accept appointments past their-two-year term because of the satisfaction they derive from this vital ministry. For more information contact Michael Rossi at 674-0435 or or Michele McLaughlin at

Gardening and Landscape Stewardship

Our purpose is to joyfully heed God's call to act as caring stewards of the blessed Creation by communally cultivating and beautifying the church grounds and associated properties. We strive to transform these grounds into an inspiring metaphor for our parish as richly diverse, harmonious, ordered, blossoming, and Spirit-filled. Typically we groom, weed, prune, deadhead, water, mulch, compost; occasionally, we divide, plant, and soil amend. Many of us appreciate the time to contemplate the grace around us as we work the soil giving back to our parish and God. For more information contact Peter Mandell at 564-5859 or

Legacy Society

Description: St. Dominic's Legacy Society is made up of parishioners and friends who wish to preserve St. Dominic's Church and its ministries for future generations through bequests and other estate gifts. Legacy Society members have a deep love for the church and its works of faith, and share with the Dominicans a love of art and beauty, as expressed in the church's altars, windows, and architecture. As new members join, their names are added to the Legacy Society plaque in the nave. Our annual luncheon is a highlight. For more information contact Michael Rossi at 674-0435 or

Pastoral Council

Description: The Pastoral Council presents and implements the vision for the entire parish in consultation with the Pastor and parish staff. Each member is a visible, active presence at St. Dominic's serving as a resource for the Pastor and parishioners. Knowledge and understanding of the parish and a willingness to speak up on issues of concern to the parish are important. The Pastoral Council offers a public face to the parish and has contact information listed in the bulletin. For more information contact Larry Jannuzzi at or Andrew Martinez-Fonts at

Stewardship Committee

Stewardship has the power to shape our understanding of our lives and the way in which we live. Stewardship helps us to become aware that God is the ultimate giver of the gifts we have. Members of the Stewardship Committee joyfully embrace this truth and are challenged by it to bring its message to the parish at large. They do so through initiatives that enhance our lives of faith: from organizing a Time & Talent Fair to encouraging our discernment of life-shaping changes of heart and mind. For more information contact Cliff Pfluger at 661-4198 or

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Education Ministries

Philosophy and Theology Seminar

The seminar meets once a month to discuss a text which the members of the seminar have participated in selecting. Readings are usually grouped in a series around a topic and philosophy and theology is defined broadly. While participation in a full series provides the opportunity to draw comparisons and connections between readings, you are most welcome to come to individual meetings. The seminar is open to all. The group meets once a month, usually on the 3rd Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in the Priory conference room. For information contact Hennie Wisnewski at, or by phone: 415-922-7063.

Natural Family Planning

Monthly introductory presentations on the Creighton Model Fertility Care System are offered to engaged couples going through the marriage preparation process as well as other couples who are interested in learning about how a natural method of birth regulation works. These presentations are taught by a trained fertility care practitioner. Please contact Susan McConneloug at (415) 459-3860.

Docent Tours

Tours of the church are scheduled for the first Saturday of each month, at 10:00 a.m. To join a tour, simply meet in front of the Church (at the Steiner Street entrance). To arrange a tour of the church, or if interested in becoming a docent, contact Helen Ann Davis: 673-2839.

Lecture Committee

Meet and plan lectures for the year, find topics that are compelling and that provide interesting and informed lectures to the parish. Members should be well-read with a diversity of interests. The responsibilities will be divided across the committee, depending on skills; they include willingness to research potential speakers, coordinating the logistics of setting up and cleaning up the room, recording the presentation, hosting receptions, and promoting the talk in the parish and city. For more information contact Scott Moyer at 674-0422 or


Children's Liturgy of the Word (CLW)
This ministry offers young children an opportunity to experience the Word in a way that engages them at their level. This ministry occurs during the Liturgy of the Word at the 9:30 a.m. Sunday Mass. Children ages 3-9 are dismissed after the Opening Prayer to read and discuss the Gospel in a way which is meaningful to them. Children then separate into different age groups and work on an art project or worksheet that supports the Gospel they have just read. Children return to Mass after the General Intercessions. Volunteers can assist the children with activities that allow them to really experience the liturgy. For more information or to volunteer contact Michael Smith at, or at (415) 674-0446.

On select Sundays, a Children's Homily near the altar will occur in lieu of the Children's Dismissal at the 9:30am Sunday Mass.